A while back, Microsoft had a huge hype cycle around the rename of Azure AI Studio to Azure AI Foundry. I've had a while to get to know the product and in this post will try to open up how it all works from a Azure resource perspective.…
The Managed DevOps Pools (MDP) resource in Azure has been Generally Available since Ignite 2024. Let's see how to set one up, and discuss why I think this solves a common problem in my projects: requiring deployments into VNETs.…
The Bicep team has recently published the "Bicep Templates for Microsoft Graph" extension into public preview. I've been playing around with it a bit, and wanted to document my experiences.…
In this post, we'll see how to fix the following error during your migration runs:
"<GUID>@<GUID>" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.…
This post will go through the infrastructure implementations for two different use cases: scale-to-zero agents that die after every run, and static agents that persist until killed.…
A look into a simple approach to automating deployments to Azure that can be run locally using powershell. Also includes thoughts on Azure Developer CLI (azd)…
Recent changes in the Azure DevOps UI have made it somewhat difficult to refresh secrets on the Azure ARM service connections, here are a couple of ways you can work around this.…
In this post, I’ll try to open up a few of the ways of how a robust system of telemetry and feedback will allow your product to be more agile, deploy more often, lead to faster time to market, and change the development culture of your team for the better.…
For our static frontend hosted in Azure Storage, there is no slot swap functionality out of the box. Here's a short walkthrough on how we solved this.…